We are living in a time of great uncertainty and upheaval. While yoga practice can not change outer circumstances, it can help us make contact with ourselves, each other, and with a source of inner strength and stability. This all-levels class is designed to progressively and sequentially activate your muscles, increase range of motion, and provide a grounding and uplifting experience. Expect to work with detail and depth in basic standing postures, twists, and heart-opening poses. Christina Sell, known for her precise teaching style and down-to-earth spirituality incorporates demonstrations, explanations, modifications, and pep talks throughout class to give you the information you need to progress safely according to your needs.
Christina will offer a 1.5 hour class Saturday & Sunday. These 2 classes will be streamed to us LIVE from Christina Sell. She will lead us in practice from her home in Washington State. You can join us for class from the comfort of your own home OR you may join us to practice IN STUDIO. We will be streaming Christina on our 40” TV through our speaker system. 9 spots are available for practice in studio.
Saturday, April 17- Hip-Opening & Standing Poses
2-3:30 pm
Sunday, April 18- Heart-Opening in Basic Back Bends & Twists
2-3:30 pm
Investment: Single Class $30, Both Classes $50*
*Don’t let pricing keep you from attending. Please reach out to us if you want to attend but have been negatively impacted by the pandemic. 281.333.1646 or email@yogainstituteofclearlake@gmail.com
Christina Sell has been practicing yoga since 1991 and teaching since 1998. She is a certified Anusara yoga teacher and the author of Yoga From the Inside Out: Making Peace with Your Body Through Yoga, My Body is a Temple: Yoga as a Path of Wholeness, and A Deeper Yoga: Beyond Body Image to Wholeness and Freedom. Christina is the founder and director of Christina Sell Yoga Programs, a Yoga International faculty member, and the creator of the Live the Light of Yoga podcast. She resides in Bellingham, Washington with her husband, two cats, and the world's best dog, Locket. For more information about her and her work visit www.christinasellyoga.com.