Energy Attunement Weekend Workshop
Saturday 1-7 pm (break from 4-5pm)
Sunday 10-4 (break from 12-1 pm)
Everything that exists; everything you can hear, see, feel, touch, taste, smell, experience, is energy. Most of us have some idea of what to do with the more tangible energy and resources we experience and measure with our physical senses … but what about your personal energy? What about the energy you can not see? Because the five senses do not account for the intuitive energetic senses nor the more subtle and at the same time, the most powerful resource you have – your personal energy.
Has anyone ever taught you about your personal energy? How it works? How to take care of it? Work with it? Direct and focus it?
Join us for this Energy Attunement Weekend Workshop and you’ll start to realize how much of an influence you really have – you do have a say in your own life. When you start to manage your personal energy and energetic frequency, you’ll stop expecting it (and your happiness) to be fulfilled or determined by others or any outside force/external circumstance. That in itself becomes a more liberating and empowering frequency that can literally change everything in your life and in our world.
Step 1: Tuning your energy starts with an inner house cleaning – which means cleaning up your energy. In this workshop, you will learn to ground, settle, clean, clear, refine, and strengthen your own personal energy – (and how to clear any energetic “cooties” you may have picked up from other people and/or your environment).
Step 2: Get Clear About - and tune into - where you are in your life.
We’ll look at where and how you have been focusing, moving, and using your energy in your life. How is that working for you? What is this showing you? What affect does it have on you and the different areas, relationships, and aspects of your life?
Step 3: Get Clear About – and tune into – what’s next for you.
Accessing guidance, higher wisdom, vision, purpose, and meaning.
Step 4: Get Clear About – tune into – start working with, focusing and directing your personal energy – Your Power!
Learn how to use, focus, and direct your personal power (your energy) in combination with conscious choice and intention.
Step 5: Get Clear About – tune into and recognize – your energy drains and zappers.
Get to know your distractions, detours, “obstacles,” and challenges. What (who? … you?) do you let hold you back, slow you down or stop you? And then,
Step 6: Get Clear About – tune into – how to live, work and play, with your new skills, resources and personal energy and power.
We’ll look at tools and strategies to support you as you start living - being - residing - in your center and with your new skills and knowledge about your own personal energy. Now that you have learned techniques to help you to work specifically with your energy and your power; Now, as the new and empowered – new and IN-powered – you – we’ll look at how these skills and tools can also support you in choosing how, when, where, and why you show up - all for living, dreaming, co-creating - and designing your life … shining your light and dreaming your world into being – in a whole new way. Because the Universe is asking ... “What do you really want? What is the life and the world that you dream of?” It all starts, right here.
Investment: $281, Early Bird through 4/15/22- $263