At the heart of every practice lies…INTENTION.
The Yoga Institute-Clear Lake is here to teach, share & guide the practice of yoga. Yoga is accessible in the moment to everyone no matter age, flexibility, size, gender, etc. The practices of yoga are multi-faceted. The postures, asanas, are the most recognized aspect of yoga, however there are the yamas & niyamas, pranayama ( breath practices), meditation, and self understanding as well. Some days our practice out of the studio may be to take 3 breaths before we open our laptop. Other days it might be a 75 minute class at the studio and on another day it might be 10 minutes of gentle movement in our backyard. The point is it looks different at different times. Honoring who we are and what is happening in our experience. No matter how or when or where we practice or what we wear to practice it connects us with the Divine aspect of ourselves and brings us into the present moment. We teach people brand new to the practice and those who have practiced for decades. Come join us!